Dong Energy is an integrated energy company with its headquarters located in Denmark. The company was founded in 1972. In the beginning the company was named as Dansk Naturgas A/S; this was changed to Dong Energy in 2002. In 2006, it acquired five Danish energy companies: Elsam, ENERGI E2, Nesa, Copenhagen Energy, and Frederiksberg Forsyning. Dong is involved in several business activities with it operations spanning across various countries of Northern Europe. The business activities of the company include oil and gas exploration & production (E&P), wind power, thermal power, energy markets and sales & distribution. As of December 2011, the owners of the company were the Danish State, SEAS-NVE Holding, Syd Energi Net and others with a working interest of around 76.5%, 10.8%, 7.0% and 5.7% respectively.
- Key Highlights: This section provides detailed analysis on the company’s overall oil and gas value chain, new projects, growth opportunities, new ventures, assets performance, hedging strategies, Capex funding, geographical results of oil and gas operations.
- Dong energy Goals and Strategies: This section provides the upcoming goals and strategies of the company. The section mainly goals and strategies followed by the company in order to meet its upcoming goals.
- SWOT Analysis Dong Energy: The report’s SWOT section provides the internal strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of company to reflect its strategic positions in the market.
- Production and Development Overview: This section highlights the company’s crude oil and natural gas production forecast from its legacy and upcoming assets by region and commodity mix for next five years. The report also covers the detailed information and analysis on the company’s producing and development assets.
- Exploration: This section includes detailed explanation and analysis on the company’s exploration assets resulted due to new discoveries, new drilling and other activities.
- Dong Energy M&A trends: This section mainly provides information and analysis on the company’s recent assets transactions, joint ventures, acquisition, and divestment activities during the last one year. This section highlights the company’s status as a buyer or seller during the analyzed period.
- Dong Energy Financial Forecast and Valuation: This section highlights the detailed financial statement forecast for next five years. With the financial statement forecast, this section also provides intrinsic value of the company by using Net Asset Valuation method.
- Peer Group Analysis: This section compares the company’s performance with its peer group on the basis of share prices, financial ratios, operational and financial parameters and other related parameters.
- Financial and Operational Metrics: This section covers the company’s historical performance on several financial and operational parameters such as Production and Reserves, Reserves Replacement, Costs Incurred, Acreage, Wells, F&D Costs, Oil and Gas Revenue and Expenses etc.
Reasons to buy
The report will enhance the decision-making capability in a more rapid and time sensitive manner. It will allow you to -
- Provide detailed analysis to those who are interested in knowing the companies’ existing and future business strategies.
- Provide in-depth analysis on the companies E&P profiles along with the exploration and M&A updates.
- Provide valuable insights to those who are tracking oil and gas markets and wants to know the intrinsic value of the companies.
- Use the analysis for strategy and planning, M&A identifications, and competitor analysis.
Valuation Report, NAV, Oil and gas valuation, Strategic Evaluation, Strategic and Operational Analysis, Forecasted financial Statements, SWOT, Capital expenditure, Market Scenario, Revenue, Financial Ratios, Production, Reserves, Peer Group Comparison, DCF, Outlook, Investment Thesis, Investment Summary, Dong Energy
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